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Kirill Tankov

Position Center Current Team Pittsburgh Penguins
Shoots Left Current Contract
Height 6'1" Expires
Weight (lbs) 180 Expiry Age (Jun 30)
Age 22 (Mar 26, 2002) Expiry Status
Drafted 2021, Round 7, Overall 218 (PIT)
Date Team Transaction
Status History Coming Soon
Regular Season Playoffs
Season Team GP G A Pts +/- PIM Shots Sh% TOI/G GP G A Pts +/- PIM Shots Sh% TOI/G

5v5 Individual Stats

Season Team(s) GP TOI G/60 A/60 Pts/60 xG/60 GAE/60 Sh% xSh% Sh%AE %SA Rush %SA Reb.

5v5 On Ice Stats

Season Team(s) GP TOI SAF/60 GF/60 xGF/60 SAA/60 GA/60 xGA/60 GF% xGF% xGF Rel xGA Rel xGF% Rel

NHL Edge Stats

Skating Shooting Zone Time
Season GP Top Speed Bursts>20/mi Avg. Speed ES Avg. Speed Top Speed Avg. Speed %Long Range %Mid Range %High Danger ES DZ% ES NZ% ES OZ%
2021-22 - - - - - - - - - - - -
2022-23 - - - - - - - - - - - -
2023-24 - - - - - - - - - - - -
2024-25 - - - - - - - - - - - -


Percentile 0-25 Percentile 25-50 Percentile 50-75 Percentile 75-100
Forwards are compared with forwards and Defensemen are are compared with Defensemen.


Type Statistic Definition
IndividualG/60Goals Against per 60 minutes.
IndividualA/60Assists per 60 minutes.
IndividualPts/60Points per 60 minutes.
IndividualxG/60Expected Goals per 60 minutes.
IndividualGAE/60Goals Above Expected (G/60 - xG/60).
IndividualSh%Shooting Percentage.
IndividualxSh%Expected Shooting Percentage.
IndividualSh%AEShooting percentage above expected (Sh% - xSh%).
Individual%SA RushPercentage of shot attempts determined to be on the rush.
Individual%SA Reb.Percentage of shot attempts determined to be from rebounds.
On IceSAF/60Shot Attempts For per 60 minutes.
On IceGF/60Goals For per 60 minutes.
On IcexGF/60Expected Goals For per 60 minutes.
On IceSAA/60Shot Attempts Against per 60 minutes (lower is better).
On IceGA/60Goals Against per 60 minutes (lower is better).
On IcexGA/60Expected Goals Against per 60 minutes (lower is better).
On IceGF%Goals For Percentage = Goals For / (Goals For + Goals Against)
On IcexGF%Expected Goals For Percentage = Expected Goals For / (Expected Goals For + Expected Goals Against)
On IcexGF RelxGF/60 when On Ice - xGF/60 when not On Ice.
On IcexGA RelxGA/60 when On Ice - xGA/60 when not On Ice (lower is better).
On IcexGF% RelxGF% when On Ice - xGF% when not On Ice.
Individual and On-Ice stats from (starting in 2015-16). NHL Edge Stats from (starting in 2021-22). Edge statistic definitions can be found at the Edge Stats Glossary.
There are no contracts for this player The Stanley Cap database.