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About The Stanley Cap
Welcome to My vision from the start was to create a replacement but also to integrate statistics, analytics, news and analysis into it. I have been at it for 6 months and and I feel it is coming along nicely, though I am still a long way from my full vision for the site. There is so much more to do.
Ultimately I want this to be a site for NHL fans, that fans love and want to use. Let me know what you think. Send me your thoughts and feedback. What do you like? What do you want to see added? Found a problem, let me know and I'll work to fix it ASAP.
Also, let me know If you are interested in helping. Right now I am mostly looking for people who might want to help with administrative tasks (maintaining team rosters, lineups, entering contracts, transactions, etc.) but I may soon be looking to add someone with development skills (python, sql, html, javascript, Flask, etc.) so let me know if that interests you too.
You can contact me at
Support The Stanley Cap
If you are able to, and would like to help ensure that The Stanley Cap will be successful and around for the long haul please consider making a financial donation. This will help me dedicate more time to the ongoing development and maintenance of the The Stanley Cap as well as cover web hosting and other costs.
You can also support the site by using the site and spreading the word. Tell your friends, post about on social media and web forumns, it all helps out.
Thank-you for however you choose to support